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金億地板 行(xing)業?前景


板種Plate species銷量/萬m2同比增(zeng)長率(lv)/%
強化木地板Laminate flooring210502.18
實木地板wooden floor439010.03
竹地板Bamboo flooring3400-3.13
其他地板Other floor3906.85
甲醛可以說是家裝中的最大困擾,對兒童、孕婦、老人等抵抗力弱的群體,危害更為明顯。 為什么實木復合木地板中會含有甲醛?地板的甲醛主要來源是粘合劑,復合地板生產過程中要使用膠粘劑,而甲醛是膠粘劑的主要成分之一,在粘合劑制造過程中,部分甲醛未參與反應,存在于膠液中,所以復合地板中會有甲醛。同時,在地板使用過程中,固化膠層老化會降解釋放出甲醛。

Formaldehyde can be said that the biggest problem in the home improvement, to children, pregnant women, the elderly and other weak resistance groups, the more obvious harm.
Why solid wood laminate flooring will contain formaldehyde? The main source of formaldehyde is the adhesive floor, adhesive flooring production process to use, and formaldehyde is one of the main components of the adhesive, the adhesive manufacturing process, part of the formaldehyde did not participate in the reaction, there is the glue, so There will be formaldehyde in the laminate floor. At the same time, in the process of using the floor, the curing adhesive layer will degrade to release formaldehyde.
Afraid of formaldehyde, with logs, health billion gold logs floor, home and family to be a safe choice! Health flooring logs become the main consumer market demand direction.

  • 金億原木地(di)熱地(di)板不僅自然(ran)環(huan)保(bao),而且(qie)(qie)在美觀度,舒(shu)適度等方面(mian)更(geng)勝(sheng)一籌。 且(qie)(qie)具有以下優勢:

  • ?

