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Healthy home flooring


Mix and match the logs


Mix and match the logs ? healthy home flooring

混(hun)(hun)(hun)搭(da)風格(ge)糅合東西(xi)方美(mei)(mei)學精華元素,將(jiang)古今文(wen)化內涵完美(mei)(mei)地(di)結合于一(yi)(yi)(yi)體,充分(fen)利(li)用空間(jian)形(xing)式(shi)與材料,創造出(chu)個性化的(de)(de)家居環境。 混(hun)(hun)(hun)搭(da)并(bing)不(bu)是(shi)簡單(dan)地(di)把各種風格(ge)的(de)(de)元素放在一(yi)(yi)(yi)起做(zuo)加法(fa),而是(shi)把它們有主(zhu)有次地(di)組(zu)合在一(yi)(yi)(yi)起。 中(zhong)西(xi)元素的(de)(de)混(hun)(hun)(hun)搭(da)是(shi)主(zhu)流(liu),其次還(huan)有現代與傳(chuan)統(tong)的(de)(de)混(hun)(hun)(hun)搭(da)。在同(tong)一(yi)(yi)(yi)個空間(jian)里,不(bu)管(guan)是(shi)“傳(chuan)統(tong)與現代”,還(huan)是(shi)“中(zhong)西(xi)合璧”,都要以一(yi)(yi)(yi)種風格(ge)為主(zhu),靠局部的(de)(de)設計增添空間(jian)的(de)(de)層次。

Mashup style blend of Eastern and Western elements of the best of aesthetics, the ancient and modern cultural connotation perfect combination, make full use of space forms and materials to create a personalized home environment. Mashups do not simply put elements of various styles together for addition, but combine them one time and another. The mix of Chinese and Western elements is the mainstream, followed by modern and traditional mix and match. In the same space, whether it is "traditional and modern" or "combination of Chinese and western cultures", we should mainly adopt one style and add space by means of partial design.

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